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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On-Line Classes Seminars/Workshops/Tutorials

Here’s your chance to take interactive classes or sit in on seminars without leaving home.
These events have been presented from Florida to Finland for writers at various skill levels. For beginners, they introduce you to the skills needed to write good, publishable manuscripts. For more advanced writers, they help to identify your writing problems and show you how to solve them.

Here’s how they work:

CLASSES: Once you sign up for a class, you’ll be e-mailed the first week's text. Exercises to help you apply the skills discussed will be included in each week's text Read the text early; do the exercises and email them to your instructor, who will critique them and get back to you with an emailed report.

SEMINARS & TUTORIALS: If you want the information but aren’t interested in critiques of you work, sign up for these.

Seminars: All the up-to-the-minute pertinent information you need to be effective in today's globally competitive market

Tutorials: Up-to-the-minute information on how to get your writings into print.

One-on-One TUTORING: Please note: The tutoring and the writing classes are entirely separate: you don't need to take a class to register for tutoring, and you don't need to pay for a tutor to participate in a class.



--Malware (1990): software designed to interfere with a computer's normal functioning.

--Netroots (2003): grassroots political activists who communicate via the Internet, especially by blogs.

--Norovirus (2002): any of a genus of small round single-stranded RNA viruses; specifically, Norwalk virus.

--Mondegreen (1954): word or phrase that results from a mishearing of something said or sung. From the mishearing in a Scottish ballad of "laid him on the green" as "Lady Mondegreen."